L’IGOPP dans les médias

10 août 2012

« Quebec’s move to shield Rona from Lowe’s takeover could end badly »

[…] « Yvan Allaire, chairman of the Institute for Governance of Private and Public Organizations, argues that the real rationale for Quebec’s meddling in Rona is to counter the difficulty, under current securities regulations, for the company’s board to reject a hostile takeover attempt. That compares with the United States, where boards have more power under […]

8 août 2012

« Rona battle highlights impotence of boards: Prof »

« Quebec-based home improvement retailer Rona Inc. (RON.TO 10.93 -0.08 -0.73%) has found itself in the crosshairs of an unsolicited takeover approach from its American rival Lowe’s Cos (LOW.N 45.14 0.51 1.14%) — even as Rona’s board and management have publicly stated they’re not interested. For Yvan Allaire, Institute for Governance of Private and Public Organizations […]

7 août 2012

« Doing Business With Quebec Inc. »

12 juin 2012

« Corporate leaders suffer under the capitalist gun »

« Pity Indra Nooyi. When she won the coveted post of CEO at PepsiCo Inc. in 2006, she indicated she wanted to shift Pepsi from snack foods to health foods and from caffeinated colas to juices. « It doesn’t mean subtracting from the bottom line, » she argued: The company would simply bring together what is good […]

24 mai 2012

« FP Letters to the Editor: Small firms need options as incentives »

« Re: “Stock Options Under Attack,” Barbara Shecter, May 23 Rewarding executives with stock options may be a mistake in some circles, as claimed by the Institute for the Governance of Private and Public Organizations, but they are essential tools to attract and retain skilled management in many small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). Companies that have […]

22 mai 2012

La grogne monte contre la rémunération des PDG

L’Institut sur la gouvernance d’organisations privées et publiques (IGOPP) a lancé un pavé dans la mare en dénonçant la paie trop élevée des PDG d’entreprise. L’organisme rend public le rapport intitulé « Payer pour une valeur ajoutée : trancher le nœud gordien de la rémunération des dirigeants ». Il est signé par Yvan Allaire, au […]

22 mai 2012

« Canadian companies urged to end stock option rewards »

« An influential group including representatives of Canada’s business, regulatory and academic circles is calling for an end to the “mistake” of rewarding executives with stock options. The Institute for the Governance of Private and Public Organizations issued the bold challenge Tuesday as part of package of recommendations aimed at reining in executive pay and tying […]

19 octobre 2010

« Do your shares have the power? »

[ … ] « Yvan Allaire, chairman of the board of the Institute for Governance of Private and Public Organizations (IGPPO) and a professor emeritus at Universite du Quebec a Montreal, estimated that 13 per cent of the 253 companies on the TSX/S&P composite index in 2008 had some form of dual-class voting structure. For […]

29 juillet 2009

« After the crisis, a call for drastic reforms »

« Yvan Allaire and Mihaela Firsirotu aren’t the kind of people you would expect to find railing against the dangers of modern capitalism and proposing a major overhaul. Mr. Allaire is an emeritus professor of management and former senior executive of Bombardier Inc., while Ms. Firsirotu is a respected professor of business strategy at Université […]

1 janvier 2008

« One Share-One Vote: The Empirical Evidence »

[ … ] « The main question in most of the studies we survey is: Does disproportional ownership destroy shareholder value? We will argue that, while the literature has uncovered some robust evidence, this question has proven difficult to address empirically. A related issue is whether the widespread use of mechanisms to unbundle cash flow […]

1 juillet 2001

Yvan Allaire, le stratège

Yvan Allaire a bâti les stratégies de plusieurs grandes entreprises du Québec. Chez Bombardier, depuis 5 ans, il est passé de la parole aux actes. Il quitte aujourd’hui son poste en laissant derrière lui de solides fondations.   Pour lire l’article complet, veuillez cliquer ici.

1 avril 2001

« Mergers and acquisitions: Lessons from the best »

« The wave of mergers and acquisitions rolls on unabated, the latest statistics putting the number of transactions worldwide at some 34,000 in 1999. Canada has been an active participant in this global phenomenon. In 2000, there were close to 1300 transactions, worth some C$234 billion, in which Canadian companies took part. Canadians were involved […]

1 octobre 1998

« The Battle within Capitalism – A new age for Europe »

« The 4th Conference of Montréal on globalized economies wove together three different but closely related strands of issues and challenges confronting Europe and directly or indirectly a good part of the world. What’s happening now in Europe will have momentous ramifications throughout the world, bringing forth major shifts in economic power and new alignments […]

1 avril 1997

« Ceiling Unlimited »

« With all the pomp and circumstance of a D.W. Griffith movie spectacle, the ultimate business jet was unveiled in a cavernous hangar in Toronto last summer. While Prime Minister Jean Chrétien and other political heavies looked on –  an accompanied by a 45-piece orchestra and 1,000-strong choir belting out a rousing chorus – an […]

1 avril 1996

Qui sont nos gourous?

Stratèges, motivateurs, innovateurs, ils ont l’oreille des Laurent Beaudoin et cie. Certains même n’ont rien à envier aux Tom Peters de ce monde. Ce sont les Américains qui ont inventé le gourou d’affaires avec les Peter Drucker, Tom Peters, Alvin Toffler, John Naisbitt et bien d’autres. Faut-il le dire, ils en ont fait un métier […]