1 septembre 2013

« $0.45 Hourly Wage Increase for American Workers in Last Seven Years »

While CEO Pay Increases by More than $5 Million

Entrevue avec l'Institut sur la gouvernance (IGOPP) | Go Banking Rates

[…] »GoBankingRates.com arrived at these findings by evaluating average worker pay from the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) (2006 – 2013) and CEO compensation from the Institute for Governance of Private and Public Organizations’ ‘Pay for Value: Cutting the Gordian knot of Executive Compensation’ (2012) as well as AFL-CIO’s current ‘Executive Paywatch.’ Worker output data comes the BLS preliminary multifactor productivity trends report (2012); data regarding the distribution of family income (or gini index) comes from the Central Intelligence Agency’s ‘The World Factbook.’  » … Lire la suite