6 février 2015

« Engagement and Activism in the 2015 Proxy Season »

Wachtell, Lipton, Rosen & Katz | The Harvard Law School Forum

« Yet companies, boards, and other investors should keep in mind that shareholder activism is often merely a tactic in a self-interested investment strategy. Shareholder activists such as hedge funds typically are pursuing short-term financial gain at the expense of long-term shareholders and stakeholders. These funds welcome the support of academics and theorists who argue that disruption is good for the market; however, a recent study by the Institute for Governance of Private and Public Organizations, after investigating these claims, found:

[The] most generous conclusion one may reach from these empirical studies has to be that “activist” hedge funds create some short-term wealth for some shareholders as a result of investors who believe hedge fund propaganda (and some academic studies), jumping in the stock of targeted companies. In a minority of cases, activist hedge funds may bring some lasting value for shareholders but largely at the expense of workers and bond holders; thus, the impact of activist hedge funds seems to take the form of wealth transfer rather than wealth creation.

Activist hedge funds, in other words, keep their profits for themselves. » Lire la suite