Topic Results: Activism

April 5, 2018

It’s hunting season, as activists and regulators open fire on Canada’s businesses

The corporate hunting season is officially underway, an annual ritual during which shareholder parties, armed with proxies and other weapons of democratic destruction, set out to bag executives and directors for failing to deliver. The list of potential corporate failings is all encompassing. Anything and everything is a target, from executive compensation to diversity policies […]

November 17, 2017

Pershing Square, Ackman and CP Rail: A Case of Successful ”Activism” ?

Pershing Square, an activist hedge fund owned and managed by William Ackman, began hostile maneuvers against the board of CP Rail in September 2011 and ended its association with CP in August 2016, having netted a profit of $2.6 billion for his fund. This Canadian saga, in many ways, an archetype of what hedge fund […]

June 12, 2017

On becoming an «activist board»… In the age of activist shareholders

After some 15 years of tweaking and polishing the theory and practice of “good” governance, perfectly independent board members remain surprise-prone, estranged from the goings-on in the company, partially informed and lacking the wherewithal to challenge management. No doubt that the legitimacy and credibility of boards have suffered as a result. In the current age, […]

January 11, 2017

Corporate Governance: The New Paradigm

[ … ] a growing body of academic research has confirmed that short-term financial activists are a major contributor to systemic short-termism in managing businesses and investments. The notion that activist attacks increase, rather than undermine, long-term value creation has been resoundingly discredited. Economists Yvan Allaire and François Dauphin, for example, demonstrated in a series […]

December 23, 2016

Pershing Square, Ackman and CP Rail: A Case of Successful «Activism»?

Pershing Square, an activist hedge fund owned and managed by William Ackman, began hostile maneuvers against the board of CP Rail in September 2011 and ended its association with CP in August 2016, having netted a profit of $2.6 billion for his fund. This Canadian saga, in many ways, an archetype of what hedge fund […]

December 23, 2016

A «Successful» Case of Activism at the Canadian Pacific Railway: Lessons in Corporate Governance

Pershing Square Capital Management, an activist hedge fund owned and managed by William Ackman, began hostile maneuvers against the board of CP Rail in September 2011 and ended its association with CP in August 2016, having netted a profit of $2.6 billion for his fund. This Canadian saga, in many ways, an archetype of what […]

November 18, 2016

Can America’s Companies Survive America’s Most Aggressive Investors?

“WILMINGTON, Del.—Ron Ozer was thrilled to get a job with DuPont, the two-centuries-old chemical company, when he finished his Ph.D. from Cornell in 1990. It was the place to go for young, ambitious chemists; it offered salary and benefits so generous that some people called it “Uncle Dupey.” For 26 years, he invented things for […]

November 18, 2016

IGOPP’s Executive Chair quoted in The Atlantic Magazine with regard to Hedge Fund Activism

IGOPP’s Executive Chair, Dr. Yvan Allaire’s study on Hedge funds Activism Hedge Fund Activism: Preliminary Results and Some New Empirical Evidence, is quoted in a recent article entitled “Can America’s Companies Survive America’s Most Aggressive Investors?” published in the Atlantic Magazine. This article discusses activist investors who are increasingly gaining control of legacy corporations, forcing them to trim payrolls […]

April 27, 2016

Activist hedge funds come to Japan

From Japan Today comes an interesting column by Yvan Allaire and Francois Dauphin: Now foreign investors, holding over 30% of their shares, are unrelenting in their pressure for Japanese companies to adopt American-style governance. New governance codes have been written and Japanese stock exchanges are pushing for their implementation. Foreign money managers and institutional investors […]

April 20, 2016

Japan discovers “good” corporate governance, American style

Not so long ago in an age when they were eating the lunch of American corporations, the Toyotas, Hitachis, Sonys, Canon, Hondas were governed in the worst possible way, at least according to the canons of American governance. Their boards were made up almost exclusively of corporate insiders, with no independent directors, no diversity, no […]

January 26, 2016

Hedge Fund Activism: A Guide for the Perplexed

The message of the Dow/DuPont merger and split up is simple: No firm is today “too big to target.” Activists can see the transaction as evidence that, even in the rare case where they lose a proxy fight (as they did at DuPont last year in a squeaker), the handwriting is still on the wall, […]

December 8, 2015

Is 2015, Like 1985, an Inflection Year?

In an October 2015 post, I posed the question: Will a New Paradigm for Corporate Governance Bring Peace to the Thirty Years’ War? As we approach the end of 2015, I thought it would be useful to note some of the most cogent recent developments on which the need, and hope, for a new paradigm […]

November 9, 2015

The game of “activist” hedge funds: Cui bono?

This article aims to describe the contemporary objectives and tactics of activist hedge funds as well as the actions taken by the targeted companies as a result of their intervention. In this research, we explore the consequences of activism over time (impact on operational performance and share price returns) and compare these with a random sample of firms […]

November 9, 2015

The game of ‘activist’ hedge funds: Cui bono?

This article aims to describe the contemporary objectives and tactics of activist hedge funds as well as the actions taken by the targeted companies as a result of their intervention. In this research, we explore the consequences of activism over time (impact on operational performance and share price returns) and compare these with a random sample of […]

October 15, 2015

Allaire & Dauphin on hedge fund activism

Yvan Allaire and François Dauphin return to a topic on which they have been active and important commentators and analysts; namely, hedge fund activism. Specifically, they report on a new study they conducted: ”We … explored, among other things, the consequences of activism over time when compared to a random sample of firms with similar […]

October 14, 2015

The Game of “Activist” Hedge Funds: Cui Bono ?

Over the last few years, hedge fund activism has received a great deal of coverage in financial media (and in the mainstream press), has triggered heated debates and been the focus of much academic research. Saviour of capitalism for some, for others, activist hedge funds are but mongers of short-term tactics which eventually damage business […]