Topic Results: Entreprises privées

March 7, 2016

“Good” Governance and Stock Market Performance

Did the quest, one might dare say the obsession, with implementing “good” governance in public corporations result in better stock market performances for those companies that have adopted the best governance practices? Numerous studies, mostly American, have tried to show a convincing relationship between governance and performance, usually with disappointing results. Indeed, it is not […]

July 1, 2015

Capturing long-term investors the Toyota way

In the on-going quest for innovative capital structures, Toyota has recently provided an interesting twist and tied in knots a number of institutional investors. Toyota believes that developing the next generation technologies will require massive investments over many years. It also believes that the current state of investment practices, the prevalence of roaming funds and […]

September 2, 2014

Why Tim Hortons is not buying Burger King?

Although smaller than Burger King, Tim Hortons (TI) is more profitable and better managed than Burger King. Their stock market valuation is comparable. Why then is it not Tim Hortons that is trying to buy Burger King? TI becomes a target of hedge funds One must recall that in early 2013, two activist funds (Scout […]