Topic Results: Public governance

May 2, 2022

Caisse bows out of Montreal light rail project

Canadian pension fund giant Caisse de dépôt et placement du Québec is stepping away from a proposed new $10-billion light rail line in eastern Montreal after encountering seemingly insurmountable difficulties with the design of the downtown portion of the project. Quebec and Montreal will take over leadership of the venture, the two governments said in […]

October 30, 2017

Using International Comparisons to Guide Performance Improvement: Implications for Governance

Presentation made in October 2017,  by Eric C. Schneider, Senior Vice President for Policy and Research of the Commonwealth Fund, for the Conference on the governance of the healthcare system, organised by the Institut for Governance (IGOPP).

July 5, 2017

The tough job of University rector in Quebec

There’s been a substantial turnover of university leaders recently in Quebec, and finding replacements has sometimes proven difficult. No fewer than nine university institutions in Quebec have seen their executive head depart since 2015. Several of the rectors – the term used for university presidents in Quebec – left their posts after a single mandate […]

June 8, 2017

Are our State-owned enterprises well governed?

Montreal, June 8, 2017 – The Institute for Governance (IGOPP) is unveiling today the results of a study about the quality of governance at 46 Quebec State-owned enterprises, which collectively have revenues of $63 billion, employ some 65,000 people, receive more than $4 billion in subsidies and generate more than $4 billion in dividends for the […]

December 7, 2016

Corporate Governance: looking backward, looking forward

Once upon a time, the governance of publicly listed corporations was a friendly, fraternal affair with few requirements and little risk. Then, during the 1980s, a group of funds (leveraged buyout funds) sprouted up claiming that this sort of governance deprived shareholders of the full economic value of the business they had invested in. Cozy […]

November 3, 2016

Reality check: Will new foreign ownership rules make flights in Canada cheaper?

One such fee is the landing and parking fee charged to airlines – a fee often passed down to consumers. And flights landing in Canada pay some of the highest fees in the world, according to a 2014 report from the Institute for Governance of Private and Public Organizations entitled The Governance of Canadian Airports. […]

February 3, 2014

The Governance of Canadian Airports

According to a study made public by the Institute for Governance (IGOPP), Canadian airports, which are public assets with a quasi-monopolistic position in their respective markets should be subjected to an independent review process of their decisions concerning major investments and tariff increases. Ever since Ottawa’s decision to transfer the management of airport facilities to […]

February 3, 2014

The Governance of Canadian Airports

According to a study made public by the Institute for Governance (IGOPP), Canadian airports, which are public assets with a quasi-monopolistic position in their respective markets should be subjected to an independent review process of their decisions concerning major investments and tariff increases. Ever since Ottawa’s decision to transfer the management of airport facilities to […]

May 11, 2011

Five years after the adoption of Bill 53

In a new report the IGPPO recently assessed the progress of governance modernization efforts in Quebec state-owned corporations since the establishment of modern rules and new disclosure norms five years ago. According to the report, Quebec-government owned corporations have conformed well to the disclosure provisions of Bill 53, which was adopted in 2006. However the […]

May 11, 2011

Five years after the adoption of Bill 53

In a report the IGPPO recently assessed the progress of governance modernization efforts in Quebec state-owned corporations since the establishment of modern rules and new disclosure norms five years ago. According to the report, Quebec-government owned corporations have conformed well to the disclosure provisions of Bill 53, which was adopted in 2006. However the IGPPO […]

March 16, 2011

The IGOPP presents a position paper on Bill 127

The IGPPO approves several elements in the bill, that are in line with the recommendations contained in its report, published in 2008, on governance in Quebec public sector health and social services establishments. However, the IGPPO believes that the four following parts of the bill should be modified, in order to improve governance in the […]

November 12, 2010

Parliamentary committee studying Bill 123

The IGOPP, through its chairman of the board and general manager presented a brief to the Committee on Public Finance regarding Bill 123, an Act Respecting the Amalgamation of the Société Générale de Financement du Québec and Investissement Québec. This brief details the Institute’s comments on the legislation as well as a set of concrete suggestions. […]

December 4, 2009

Opinion of the IGOPP : Bill 44c and Bill 38

Act to amend the General and Vocational Colleges Act with respect to Governance. For the purposes of the Parliamentary committee on the governance of the Vocational Colleges and Universities, IGOPP have submitted two memorandum stating that good governance is the best safeguard for the autonomy of the colleges and the universities : the legitimity and […]

February 25, 2008

The AQESSS react to the report on health governance

The AQESSS is in favour of the nine recommendations proposed by the Working Group. The AQESSS is in favour of the nine recommendations proposed by the Working Group and is committed to developing better and more efficient management practices.

February 25, 2008

The Institute for Governance published his report on healthcare governance

The Group of experts proposes concrete measures for improving the oversight of health and social services institutions in Quebec. The Working Group on healthcare Governance has published today his report including 9 key recommendations for healthier governance practices in Québec. Thoses practical changes designed to improve corporate governance in the healthcare sector.

February 25, 2008

The Governance of Health and Social Services Institutions in Quebec

A group of experts issues a report on corporate governance in the healthcare system and proposes concrete measures for improving the oversight of health and social services institutions in Quebec ? Improved performance within the healthcare system requires the boards of directors of healthcare institutions to have broader powers and clearer responsibilities so they can […]