Topic Results: Indépendance des administrateurs

June 8, 2017

Are our State-owned enterprises well governed?

Montreal, June 8, 2017 – The Institute for Governance (IGOPP) is unveiling today the results of a study about the quality of governance at 46 Quebec State-owned enterprises, which collectively have revenues of $63 billion, employ some 65,000 people, receive more than $4 billion in subsidies and generate more than $4 billion in dividends for the […]

March 7, 2016

“Good” Governance and Stock Market Performance

Did the quest, one might dare say the obsession, with implementing “good” governance in public corporations result in better stock market performances for those companies that have adopted the best governance practices? Numerous studies, mostly American, have tried to show a convincing relationship between governance and performance, usually with disappointing results. Indeed, it is not […]