Topic Results: Hedge funds

December 19, 2014

Yvan Allaire: Shareholder Activism and Long-Term Value

In case you missed it last weekend, Donna Dabney, Executive Director of the Governance Center at The Conference Board posted this November 14th presentation by  Dr. Yvan Allaire presented at the Annual Meeting of The Conference Board Governance Center. His talk was titled Do activist interventions create long term shareholder value? Allaire reviews a lot of studies and […]

November 14, 2014

Yvan Allaire is Keynote speaker at The Annual Meeting of the Corporate Governance Center – Conference Board in New-York

On November 14th, Dr. Yvan Allaire, the Executive Chair of the Institute for Governance (IGOPP), was the keynote speaker at The Annual Meeting of the Corporate Governance Center – Conference Board in New-York. I spoke on the topic: Do activist hedge funds create long-term shareholder value? His presentation was followed by a panel discussion with […]

October 16, 2014

Hedge fund goes public…with a dual class of shares!

When, for reasons that will be left unexplained here, hedge funds decide “to go public”, i.e. list shares on a stock exchange, they marshal all the available legal, fiscal and accounting acumen to achieve two goals: 1. Pay as little tax as possible; 2. Keep total, unfettered control of the company. To achieve the latter, […]

August 18, 2014

Hedge Fund Activism and their Long-Term Consequences

In our paper “Activist” hedge funds: creators of lasting wealth? What do the empirical studies really say?” (available here), we asked Lucian Bebchuk, Alon Brav and Wei Jiang questions of the sort that any referee/reviewer for a professional journal would raise about their paper The Long-Term Effects of Hedge Fund Activism. Their paper’s aim is […]

July 22, 2014

Do Activist Hedge Funds Really Create Long Term Value?

“About a year ago, Professor Lucian Bebchuk took to the pages of the Wall Street Journal to declare that he had conducted a study that he claimed proved that activist hedge funds are good for companies and the economy. Not being statisticians or econometricians, we did not respond by trying to conduct a study proving […]

July 17, 2014

“Activist” hedge funds: creators of lasting wealth? What do the empirical studies really say?

Hedge funds have found, in some academic circles, supporters and champions of their enduring contribution to shareholder wealth. Some recent empirical research has triggered an important debate in the American corporate/financial world about the role of board of directors, the rights of shareholders, and the very concept of the business corporation. The terms of the […]

June 4, 2013

Good versus Bad Capitalism : a Call for a Governance Revolution

Ten years ago, Professor Mihaela Firsirotu and I wrote a piece for the C.D. Howe Institute titled Changing the Nature of Governance to Create Value (No. 189, November 2003). We argued that the fiduciary type of corporate governance, the obsessive refinements of guidelines and rules, was fast approaching the point of diminishing, if not negative, […]

May 14, 2012

Counterpoint: Resist the U.S. hedge-fund invasion

Usually, they just extract cash, spin off units or sell the company. A typically Canadian storyline has become conventional wisdom to ­explain the Canadian Pacific saga. Clubby Canadian board members, comfortable with the status quo and reluctant to rock the boat, lest they diminish their attractiveness as corporate directors, watch passively as shareholder value is […]

May 12, 2012

Corporate Governance versus Hedge Fund Activism

A typically Canadian storyline has become conventional wisdom to explain the Canadian Pacific saga Clubby Canadian board members, comfortable with the status quo and reluctant to rock the boat, lest they diminish their attractiveness as corporate directors, watch passively as shareholder value is destroyed by incompetent management. Institutional investors, pension funds in particular, hide their […]

May 10, 2012

Proxy advisors: Who are these guys?

ISS backed Pershing long before CP battle The news that an American firm had come out in support of Pershing Square Capital’s slate of directors for the board of Canadian Pacific was ­received with bluster and fanfare in Canadian media. There is something strange, even bizarre, in an American outfit making pronouncements about the fate […]

January 16, 2012

The last temptation of Mr. Harrison

E. Hunter Harrison retired as CEO of the Canadian National Railways Corporation on December 31st 2009. His was a good, lucrative run at CN. On his leaving CN, he held $ 77 million in unexercised options with a further $18 million in restricted shares to vest in the future. He is receiving a pension of […]

December 5, 2010

Governance at Maple Leaf Foods

Being subjected to a lesson in governance by a hedge fund, as the Maple Leaf Foods Corporation has to endure, is somewhat akin to being lectured on abstinence and modesty by the residents of the Mustang Ranch bordello in Nevada. Hedge funds, more appropriately called “speculative funds” in most cases, have resisted all efforts of […]

November 5, 2010

The Sale of Potash:

The Canadian government blocked the company BHP-Billiton from acquiring Potash Corp, giving the would-be acquirer 30 days to improve on its offer. Why, after Alcan, Falconbridge, Inco and others would the Canadian government even consider approving this deal; because Canada, it seems, is easily intimidated when it comes to the rough game of international competition. […]

February 11, 2008

On Missing the Point:

[Caveat: This brief is submitted to the Competition Review Panel as a personal statement and does not necessarily reflect the opinions of the Institute or of its board of directors] The strength and size of the latest wave of foreign takeovers of Canadian corporations has spurred a sharp debate about their costs and benefits to […]

June 18, 2007

Hedge Funds and Private Equity Funds

Agenda of Presentation: Preliminary remarks Hedge Funds Private Equity Funds Policy Implications

May 14, 2007

“Who will decide Alcan’s fate?”

On May 7, 2007, Alcoa launched a bid to take over Alcan. It is qualified as “hostile” takeover bid because no previous arrangements had been made with the Alcan board of directors in this regard. This event, which follows on the heels of several other takeovers of Canadian businesses by foreign interests in recent months, […]