Topic Results: Dual-class shares

August 24, 2017

Dow-Jones goes nuclear on dual class of shares

In July of this year, Dow-Jones, goaded by the reaction to Snapchat having gone public with a class of shares without voting rights, announced that, after extensive consultation, it had decided to henceforth eliminate dual-class companies from its indices, in particular the S&P 500 Index. Over the last ten years, putting money in passive index funds has become […]

February 21, 2017

Quebec takes aim at foreign takeovers with new watchdog group

In the wake of several high-profile takeovers of Quebec companies, such as Rona Inc. and Cirque du Soleil, the provincial government is implementing new measures aimed at promoting the growth of local businesses while maintaining corporate head offices in the province. Premier Philippe Couillard’s government said Tuesday it would set up a watchdog group to […]

September 29, 2016

IGOPP is publishing a research study on corporate head offices located in Quebec

More than six months after the fact, the sale of Rona to Lowe’s, a U.S. corporation, continues to generate political controversy. This raises the question: how many large Quebec corporations are vulnerable to a foreign takeover with the consequent loss, sooner or later, of the strategic functions associated with their head offices. Such a takeover […]

May 13, 2016

The case for dual class of shares

With the Bombardier saga and the Couche-Tard warning bell, the usual litany of arguments against dual class of shares was again dusted off. Commentators opposed to this capital structure seem to forget or overlook the inconvenient truth that many of Canada’s industrial champions are controlled corporations often through a dual class of shares. That is […]

April 21, 2016

Two flawed studies about controlled corporations by ISS and IRRCI

The performance of controlled companies has been a contentious issue. For different reasons, various parties have worked hard at convincing the investor class that capital structures other than one-share, one-vote would produce inferior results for shareholders. Consequently, most investment funds frown upon such structures, at best tolerate them, and, at worst, have adopted policies of non-investment in these companies. […]

March 7, 2016

“Good” Governance and Stock Market Performance

Did the quest, one might dare say the obsession, with implementing “good” governance in public corporations result in better stock market performances for those companies that have adopted the best governance practices? Numerous studies, mostly American, have tried to show a convincing relationship between governance and performance, usually with disappointing results. Indeed, it is not […]

July 1, 2015

Capturing long-term investors the Toyota way

In the on-going quest for innovative capital structures, Toyota has recently provided an interesting twist and tied in knots a number of institutional investors. Toyota believes that developing the next generation technologies will require massive investments over many years. It also believes that the current state of investment practices, the prevalence of roaming funds and […]

May 27, 2015

Dual-class of shares: with the proper framework, a benefit for all

A recent piece in the Financial Post (“Time for regulators to take major look at dual class shares”, Barry Critchley, May 14, 2015) reports on the cogitations of a law professor who proposes as an “optimal solution” to abolish existing dual class of shares and prohibit such capital structure at IPO time, no less! Of […]

October 16, 2014

Hedge fund goes public…with a dual class of shares!

When, for reasons that will be left unexplained here, hedge funds decide “to go public”, i.e. list shares on a stock exchange, they marshal all the available legal, fiscal and accounting acumen to achieve two goals: 1. Pay as little tax as possible; 2. Keep total, unfettered control of the company. To achieve the latter, […]

May 31, 2013

Quebec Inc. speaks with one voice on hostile takeovers

[…] “Nearly half of Quebec’s 50 most valuable companies have neither a controlling shareholder nor the protection of dual-class shares. As such, they are technically up for grabs. SNC-Lavalin, Metro, Dollarama, Gildan Activewear and Osisko Mining are the most important by market capitalization. What is more, only eight of those 24 companies are incorporated in […]

November 6, 2012

Notes on a flawed study

In October 2012, Investor Responsibility Research (IRRC) Institute and ISS, the proxy management firm, jointly published a study purporting to assess the relative performance of controlled companies listed on exchanges in the United States (the S&P 1500 Composite Index). The study has received little notice in the Canadian media (but for the Globe and Mail, […]

August 23, 2012

Do your shares have the power?

[ … ] Yvan Allaire, chairman of the board of the Institute for Governance of Private and Public Organizations (IGPPO) and a professor emeritus at Universite du Quebec a Montreal, estimated that 13 per cent of the 253 companies on the TSX/S&P composite index in 2008 had some form of dual-class voting structure. For the last […]

August 3, 2012

The real Rona lesson: Update takeover rules

In the U.S. when the board says no to a would-be acquisitor, the matter is largely settled. English-Canadian media are in a tizzy. The Quebec government wants to block the takeover of Rona by the American Lowe’s Cos. Inc. Nationalistic impudence, misguided tampering with financial markets, jingoistic economic policies — the salvo of epithets has […]

June 12, 2012

Corporate leaders suffer under the capitalist gun

Pity Indra Nooyi. When she won the coveted post of CEO at PepsiCo Inc. in 2006, she indicated she wanted to shift Pepsi from snack foods to health foods and from caffeinated colas to juices. “It doesn’t mean subtracting from the bottom line,” she argued: The company would simply bring together what is good for […]

February 2, 2012

Governance: In your Face… book!

The imminent initial public offering of Facebook Inc. shares has the hallmarks of a momentous event: the number of instant millionaires and billionaires, the implicit market value of a toddler company, the young age of its founder, and so on. But what is also remarkable about the Facebook IPO is the way its founder intends […]

October 19, 2010

Do your shares have the power?

[ … ] Yvan Allaire, chairman of the board of the Institute for Governance of Private and Public Organizations (IGPPO) and a professor emeritus at Universite du Quebec a Montreal, estimated that 13 per cent of the 253 companies on the TSX/S&P composite index in 2008 had some form of dual-class voting structure. For the […]