September 23, 2009
Act to amend the General and Vocational Colleges Act with respect to Governance. For the purposes of the Parliamentary committee on the governance of the Vocational Colleges and Universities, IGOPP have submitted two memorandum stating that good governance is the best safeguard for the autonomy of the colleges and the universities : the legitimity and […]
June 15, 2009
Today, the IGPPO releases a policy paper that includes key practical proposals to increase the number of qualified women directors on corporate boards in Quebec and Canada Currently, corporate boards of directors are not taking full advantage of the benefits that qualified and competent women can bring. Representation by both genders on corporate boards should […]
March 30, 2009
Corporate boards of directors are not taking full advantage of the benefits that including qualified, competent women can bring. Representation by both genders on corporate boards should thus be increased to a minimum of 40%. These are the key recommendations included in an IGPPO policy paper. The report also recommends that the gender balancing process […]