
13 February 2015

The Economist’s activist hedge fund infomercial

With its knack for tackling big subjects in a one-sided manner, The Economist in its February 7th issue imagines a dystopian world where corporate managers and boards of directors are generally incompetent, most investors are lazy; but “activists are a force for good”, “capitalism’s unlikely heroes” and “the saviours of public companies”! Even for a […]

6 February 2015

Engagement and Activism in the 2015 Proxy Season

“Yet companies, boards, and other investors should keep in mind that shareholder activism is often merely a tactic in a self-interested investment strategy. Shareholder activists such as hedge funds typically are pursuing short-term financial gain at the expense of long-term shareholders and stakeholders. These funds welcome the support of academics and theorists who argue that […]

3 February 2015

How Pershing Square found success at Canadian Pacific Railway

In 2011, Pershing Square Capital Management, an activist hedge fund founded by William (Bill) Ackman, acquired some 14.2% of Canadian Pacific Railway’s outstanding shares and proceeded to require several changes in the management and governance of the company. The CP board resisted fiercely his entreaties. A memorable proxy fight ensued, which was won by Pershing […]

30 January 2015

The State of Corporate Governance for 2015

Financial Activism ” Over the past three years, the number and intensity of financial activism initiatives has increased. The ongoing debate on the wealth effects of hedge fund activism is worth following and is well-covered on Harvard’s corporate governance blog ( Although financial activism may return immediate wealth to some shareholders through the sale of […]

30 January 2015

The Continuing Critique of “The Long-Term Effects of Hedge Fund Activism”

Yvan Allaire and Francois Dauphin are back with another critique of Bebchuk et al.’s claims about the merits of hedge fund activism: Bebchuk et al. have produced a new version of their paper The Long-Term Effects of Hedge Fund Activism (December 2014) to be published in the June 2015 issue of the Columbia Law Review. In this […]

19 January 2015

Still unanswered questions (and new ones) to Bebchuk, Brav and Jiang

Bebchuk et al. have produced a new version of their paper The Long-Term Effects of Hedge Fund Activism (December 2014) to be published in the June 2015 issue of the Columbia Law Review. In this revised text, the authors struggle valiantly to cope with the challenging questions a number of critics have raised about their […]

14 January 2015

The Threat to Shareholders and the Economy from Activist Hedge Funds

“ A paper by Dr. Yvan Allaire entitled “The Value of ‘Just Say No,’” and also memos by our firm (here and here, the latter memo discussed on the Forum here), demonstrated that an ISS client note entitled “The IRR of No,” which argued that companies that had “just said no” to hostile takeover bids […]

8 January 2015

The Shareholder Value Scam

“If you guessed Hedge Funds, take your seat at the head of the class.  And, do the hedge fund and private equity firms deliver on Shareholder Value?  Not quite: “…the most generous conclusion one may reach from these empirical studies has to be that “activist” hedge funds create some short-term wealth for some shareholders as […]

19 December 2014

Do Activist Interventions Create Long Term Shareholder Value?

19 December 2014

Yvan Allaire: Shareholder Activism and Long-Term Value

In case you missed it last weekend, Donna Dabney, Executive Director of the Governance Center at The Conference Board posted this November 14th presentation by  Dr. Yvan Allaire presented at the Annual Meeting of The Conference Board Governance Center. His talk was titled Do activist interventions create long term shareholder value? Allaire reviews a lot of studies and […]

9 December 2014

“Just Say No”

On October 22, 2014, Institutional Shareholder Services issued a note to clients entitled “The IRR of ‘No’.” The note argues that shareholders of companies that have successfully “just said no” to hostile takeover bids have incurred “profoundly negative” returns. In a note we issued the same day, we called attention to critical methodological and analytical […]

25 November 2014

Inequality and executive compensation: Why Thomas Piketty is wrong?

A group of economists, among whom the French economist Thomas Piketty, produced a massive amount of data and statistics documenting the level and rise of economic inequality over long periods of time and across several countries. Making use of this information, Piketty wrote a book, which became the darling of the American, even global, left: […]

14 November 2014

Yvan Allaire is Keynote speaker at The Annual Meeting of the Corporate Governance Center – Conference Board in New-York

On November 14th, Dr. Yvan Allaire, the Executive Chair of the Institute for Governance (IGOPP), was the keynote speaker at The Annual Meeting of the Corporate Governance Center – Conference Board in New-York. I spoke on the topic: Do activist hedge funds create long-term shareholder value? His presentation was followed by a panel discussion with […]

6 November 2014

The value of “just say no”: A Response to ISS

On October 22nd 2014, ISS published a note on the financial consequences for shareholders to vote “NO” to a proposed takeover. The ISS note, and its conclusion, comes at a propitious time for the Valeant cum Pershing Square attempt to take over Allergan. The shareholders of Allergan, who may get to vote on this takeover […]

16 October 2014

Hedge fund goes public…with a dual class of shares!

When, for reasons that will be left unexplained here, hedge funds decide “to go public”, i.e. list shares on a stock exchange, they marshal all the available legal, fiscal and accounting acumen to achieve two goals: 1. Pay as little tax as possible; 2. Keep total, unfettered control of the company. To achieve the latter, […]

9 October 2014

“Looking for good governance – can co-ops get it right?”

“Stay different, and don’t ape the corporate governance structures of the private sector. That in outline was the message to co-ops from Professor Yvan Allaire, the executive chair of Canada’s Institute for Governance to delegates at the co-op summit taking place in Quebec this week. Yvan Allaire talked of what he called a “deep governance […]