
5 June 2010

Magna and the price of control

(The opinions expressed in this text are those of the writer and not necessarily those of the Institute or of its board of directors) Alas, the company’s magna cum laude performance as a first rate industrial concern is not matched by its performance in the shareholder business, where it deserves a severe magno cum opprobrio. […]

1 June 2010

Obsessing about a national securities commission

(This comment reflects the opinion of the author and not necessarily that of the Institute or of its board of directors) It is curious, even strange, to hear the federal finance minister on May 26th 2010 repeat, like a well-trained parrot, the same lame arguments about why Canada must have a single, national, securities commission. […]

28 February 2010

Is Say on Pay An Effective Governance Tool ?

This report examines whether Say on Pay is a useful tool to ensure that executive compensation plans are designed in a way that is consistent with the firm’s best interests. It addresses five related questions: What is Say on Pay? What does Say on Pay imply about governance? What means are available to provide shareholders […]

27 January 2010

Rethinking Values in the Post-Crisis World

Dr. Yvan Allaire’s presentation at the World Economic Forum 2010 – Davos summit.

1 December 2009

Saving private enterprise!!

THIS TEXT IS ADAPTED FROM THEIR RECENTLY PUBLISHED BOOK BLACK MARKETS AND BUSINESS BLUES. Capitalism, famously wrote Karl Marx, bears the seeds of its own destruction. Yet Marx was blind to capitalism’s ability to renew itself and soar, Phoenix-like. The last time this happened, after its near-death experience in the 1930s, governments had to salvage […]

4 November 2009

Business Corporations Act: Bill 63

According to IGOPP, the proposed Business Corporations Act (Bill 63) is a quantum leap in the right direction. It modernize and clarify some dsyfunctionnal aspaects of our business laws and legal system. Furthermore, Bill 63 introduce some useful innovations. Howewer, some modifications to the Bill would improve the chances of Québec to become a destination […]

23 September 2009

Opinion of the IGOPP : Bill 44c and Bill 38

Act to amend the General and Vocational Colleges Act with respect to Governance. For the purposes of the Parliamentary committee on the governance of the Vocational Colleges and Universities, IGOPP have submitted two memorandum stating that good governance is the best safeguard for the autonomy of the colleges and the universities : the legitimity and […]

29 July 2009

After the crisis, a call for drastic reforms

Yvan Allaire and Mihaela Firsirotu aren’t the kind of people you would expect to find railing against the dangers of modern capitalism and proposing a major overhaul. Mr. Allaire is an emeritus professor of management and former senior executive of Bombardier Inc., while Ms. Firsirotu is a respected professor of business strategy at Université du […]

10 June 2009

Black Markets and Business Blues

This book tells a sad tale. This is the tale of how and why the U.S. financial  system and the American  model of corporations, touted as examples for the rest of the world,  have proven fragile and destructive. It is the tale of how, over the last thirty years, financial markets became populated by funds […]

30 January 2009

A national securities commission:

Finance Minister Jim Flaherty’s obsession with creating a national securities commission is becoming clearer. On Tuesday evening, he revealed the cost of the new federal infrastructure project he wishes to roll out, which comes to $154 million for 2009-2010 alone (as indicated on page 102 of the budget speech). We understand Mr. Flaherty’s commitment to […]

20 January 2009

The Fine Print on a National Securities Commission

Admittedly, this is no easy task. The Hockin Report is the third attempt in recent years at selling the idea. Which combination of carrot and stick can sway those provinces that are still reluctant to hand over to a federal or national organization their regulatory and supervisory powers of securities markets? Instead of focusing on […]

3 December 2008

Beyond Monks and Minow

The distember of our times and investors’ belated outrage has turned corporate governance into a growth industry. Along with much hand wringing, disconsolate essays on ethics, host of new rules and regulations have come the banal and the trivial, invariably trotting on the allure of a surging. The essays contained in this monograph were written à […]

21 November 2008

The Crisis… and How to Deal With It!

“History never repeats itself. Mankind always does.” – Voltaire How did this unparalleled financial crisis come about? How can it be explained in simple terms? How can we learn from it and avoid making the same mistakes in future? The problem – the direct cause of the crisis – can be traced to a series […]

30 September 2008

The Financial Crisis: An End in Sight?

While the U.S. Congress was desperately scrambling to salvage its bailout plan, a panic-inducing chill went through the spine of the financial markets this past Monday, September 29 – as specialists and laymen alike are still struggling to come to terms with the finer points of this ongoing crisis. How exactly did the massive issuance […]

27 May 2008

Small and medium-sized businesses Governance

A Working Group of 18 prominent members of the business community issues a set of proposals promoting flexible governance adapted to the needs of Quebec’s small and medium-sized businesses and entrepreneurs. At a time when small and medium-sized businesses (SMBs) are facing bigger and bigger challenges, their owners and managers need to be able to […]

25 February 2008

The Governance of Health and Social Services Institutions in Quebec

A group of experts issues a report on corporate governance in the healthcare system and proposes concrete measures for improving the oversight of health and social services institutions in Quebec ? Improved performance within the healthcare system requires the boards of directors of healthcare institutions to have broader powers and clearer responsibilities so they can […]