April 28, 2022

Patric Besner appointed IGOPP’s Vice-president

Montreal, April 28, 2022 — François Dauphin, President and CEO of the Institute for governance (IGOPP) is pleased to announce that Mtre Patric Besner has been appointed the Institute’s Vice-president. This strategic addition to IGOPP’s management will provide support to all of the Institute’s multidisciplinary activities and contribute significantly to the strategic diversification of training and integrated coaching services for directors and senior management.

“We are fortunate to welcome Mtre Patric Besner to the IGOPP management team. He is enthusiastic about governance, and already fully engaged and excited about the nature of the challenges that lie ahead as our field undergoes rapid evolution, marked by fundamental changes that are transforming our organizations through new environmental, social and governance (ESG) challenges. Mtre Besner’s contribution to discussions on these recent issues will definitely assist IGOPP in its mission to assume intellectual leadership in the field of governance,” said Mr. Dauphin.

Mtre Besner, who is passionate about business law, began his career with a major Montreal law firm and then worked as legal counsel to a Canadian retail and real estate investment company.  In 1993, he founded the boutique firm Besner, Business Lawyers, which specialized in business law (transactional and corporate governance).

Mtre Besner has been responsible for the legislation of the CBA-QC’s business section since 2008. He has participated in the CBA-QC’s study committee on the Business Corporations Act and has chaired several committees, including the CBA-QC’s study committee on the Not-for-profit Corporations Act and study committee on the Act respecting the legal publicity of enterprises. He was a member of the “Groupe de suivi experts/REQ relativement au projet MIRE,” a committee created by the Agence du revenu du Québec and the Enterprise Registrar to assist them in the reform of Quebec’s Enterprise Register (2011-2014).

Since December 2021, he has been a member of the external advisory committee of business law experts created by the Québec Enterprise Registrar to assist in the reform of corporate transparency following the enactment of the Act mainly to improve the transparency of enterprises.

He has also given numerous conferences and training sessions and is the author of several articles.

“I feel very privileged to join IGOPP’s management team and being part of the family so I can participate in the Institute’s development and influence. The challenges in governance are numerous, making an institution like IGOPP more relevant and necessary than ever. With my experience and expertise, I look forward to play an active role in the deliberations and research-action on governance that so aptly characterize IGOPP. It’s rare to be able to count on the support and contribution of a board of directors composed of such exceptional members, a solid management team and high-level partners, which makes me all the more enthusiastic about joining the team,” said Mtre. Besner.


For more information:

Majida Lamnini, MBA (C)

IGOPP | (514) 439-9301| mlamnini@igopp.org