Guylaine Saucier
Corporate Director
Chair of the Board, IGOPP
Member of the Governance and Ethics Committee
Member of the Human Resources Committee
Member of the Funding Committee
Member of the Audit and Investment Committee
Guylaine Saucier obtained a B.Comm. from École des hautes études commerciales, University of Montreal and Fellow of the Institute of Chartered Accountants. She was the President and CEO of Le Groupe Gérard Saucier Ltée, a major company specializing in forest products.
She is a Corporate Director and was recently Chair of the Joint Committee on Corporate Governance (CICA, CDNX, TSX). She sits on Boards of several major corporations, including Petro-Canada, Axa Assurance Inc., Bank of Montreal, CHC Helicopter Corp., Altran Technologies and Groupe Areva. In the past, she was Chair of the Board of directors of CBC/Radio-Canada. Mme Saucier was the first woman to be appointed President of the Quebec Chamber of Commerce. She became a Member of the Order of Canada in 1989 and Fellow of the Institute of Corporate Director in 2004.