April 28, 2022

Guylaine Saucier named Chair of IGOPP’s Board of Directors

Montreal, April 28, 2022 — The Board of Directors of the Institute for governance (IGOPP) is pleased to announce that Guylaine Saucier has been appointed Chair of the Board. An active member of IGOPP’s Board since its inception in 2005, Ms. Saucier is an experienced corporate director who serves or has served on the boards of many large national and international corporations.

She succeeds Professor Yvan Allaire, who has served as Executive Chair of the Institute since it was created in 2005. In recognition of his many accomplishments and invaluable contribution to the development and advancement of good governance practices in private and public organizations, the Board has designated Professor Allaire as Chair Emeritus.

“On behalf of IGOPP’s directors and employees, I would like to offer warm thanks to Professor Allaire for his long-standing involvement and his important contribution to IGOPP’s success. Under his forward-looking leadership, IGOPP has become an essential reference on governance issues in Quebec, across Canada and internationally. We look forward to continuing our mission under the guidance of Ms. Saucier, a corporate director with a wealth of experience in various private and public sectors in Quebec and internationally,” said François Dauphin, IGOPP’s President and CEO.

“After 15 years as a director, it’s a privilege to continue the Institute’s mission and development as its Chair, in collaboration with all Board members and the executive team. In the context of the intense disruption we are experiencing, it’s more important than ever to support the leadership role of our boards and their ability to articulate their values to contribute to shaping the direction of the world today. Through its intellectual leadership and practical experience, IGOPP will address the increasingly complex issues and challenges facing corporate directors,” said Ms. Saucier.

Broad experience and an illustrious career as a corporate director: https://igopp.org/en/igopp/board-of-directors/guylaine-saucier/


For more information:

Majida Lamnini, MBA (C)

IGOPP | (514) 439-9301| mlamnini@igopp.org