Topic Results: American governance

September 30, 2008

The Financial Crisis: An End in Sight?

While the U.S. Congress was desperately scrambling to salvage its bailout plan, a panic-inducing chill went through the spine of the financial markets this past Monday, September 29 – as specialists and laymen alike are still struggling to come to terms with the finer points of this ongoing crisis. How exactly did the massive issuance […]

September 17, 2008

The Independence of Board Members

In a report entitled The Independence of Board Members: A Quest for Legitimacy, the Institute for Governance of Private and Public Organizations (IGPPO) proposes that any organization governed by a board of directors should strive to constitute a board that is both legitimate and credible. The issue at stake is not so much the independence […]

February 11, 2008

On Missing the Point:

[Caveat: This brief is submitted to the Competition Review Panel as a personal statement and does not necessarily reflect the opinions of the Institute or of its board of directors] The strength and size of the latest wave of foreign takeovers of Canadian corporations has spurred a sharp debate about their costs and benefits to […]

November 16, 2006

Dual-class share structures in Canada

In Canada and, indeed, wherever there are functional stock markets, differences between classes of shareholders in publicly listed corporations raise important and controversial issues. Thus, the European Commission has undertaken a vast consultation on a proposed directive to enshrine the “one share, one vote” principle. Everywhere, the topic has proved divisive, particularly when the positions […]