March 13, 2014

How Quebecor’s press can distance itself from former boss Péladeau

Interview with Yvan Allaire | Global News

[…] “Péladeau has also insisted he is committed to the code of ethics of the province’s legislature.

But provincial academics and experts aren’t confident that goes far enough.

“These measures are insufficient,” Yvan Allaire, the executive chairman of the Institute of Governance and professor at the L’Université du Québec à Montréal, wrote in an opinion piece that ran in LaPresse, a rival to Quebecor’s papers.

Allaire proposes that Quebecor’s media assets be placed into the business fold of TVA and the company’s controlling stake in the television unit reduced to under half.

That would require issuing new shares to other investors that would dilute Quebecor’s ownership in the enlarged TVA company, Allaire suggests.

Péladeau would continue to own control of Quebecor, whose principle business would remain cable and wireless company Videotron.

It is a complicated process but one that would preserve the objectivity of the bulk of Quebec’s French-language media outlets, Allaire said in his commentary.

“The risks of interventions, conflicts of interest, complacency and self-censorship [by journalists and editors] would be greatly reduced.” » Read more